Raising a family and building a home is no small feat. We are working with an incredible team of professionals, which has been a godsend. As much as we enjoy the creative process of…
We fell hard for Disneyland the first time we experienced it together as a family five years ago. We’ve been a few times since, and each time has been just as special as the…
We won’t be home from Christmas, and I was actually considering not decorating our home this year. This will be our first time not spending Christmas at home. We’ve never quite felt settled in…
I sometimes get really excited and passionate about random things and want to talk about every detail with my friends. Hence the reason for this post. Sometimes these things are as simple as quinoa…
Our dining room furniture has been neglected for years! Our table, chairs and carpet were some of the first few pieces of furniture Cory and I purchased together when we moved in together. That…
buying a new home was something we had planned for for over two years… almost three years to be exact! but we never could have imagined we’d be renovating one home and designing another…